Updated server list

*Hi Cesidians!* An article about recent Cesidian Root developments: *Cesidian Root (CRt) DNS undergoing changes* The Cesidian Root (CRt) underwent major changes recently, and we now have a new machine for the a.root in Germany that is faster, and that runs more up-to-date software. It also has a new IPv4 address, as well as a new native IPv6 address. [CRt] http://crt.io/crt-undergoing-changes.html I hope the next article is not about servers, real or virtual, which techies understand, and appreciate, but not most people, but about a new *.GEO*, fully working, fully dominant, *top-level domain (TLD)*! As a new article I should be publishing this morning reads, through a very compelling image: “It is important to note that if *the world* you desire doesn’t exist, you may have to build *even that* yourself.” As that image shows, not only the *UMMOA people * already exist, but *GEO *, or *Global Earth Oceans * already exists as well. However, while Palestine exists, and even a *.PS* TLD exists, we are the only ones who can create *.GEO*, and I guess I’m very effective at “populating” *.GEO*, since I don’t have a good wife yet! đŸ™‚ I wish I could buy those domains, those .GEO domains, as I’ve bought *most of them *, but I can’t, because we can only “buy” those domains not with US dollars, or European Euros, but with *UMMOA fine silver *, each one troy ounce coin, or bar, or 10-ounce bar, or even 1/10 ounce coin representing the spirit of the *UMMOA nation * and beyond! Confucius once said: *The superior man seeks what is right; the inferior man, what is profitable.* We are *superior men*, so let’s do it! Let make at least one *native*, *top-level domain (TLD)* fully navigable and stable! We have real root servers, not just virtual ones, because *.GEO* is the *real land* under my feet, under the feet of the *majority of UMMOA nationals *, in fact! I am a resident of *Winnecomaq *, even an adopted Native American because of that land, not because of the BS coming out of Washington, DC, or Albany, NY! It is the land under my feet which provides me rights, even lots of lettuce and other greens lately, not the empty promises of useless Presidents of Corporate America (not about We The People anymore)! This special land is *OUR PROPERTY*, so only we can develop it (and the associated *.GEO* TLD!). Let’s do it! Only we can do it, and have the right to do it! The Buddha predicted someone very special would literally start a *new continent* (or *macroregion*), so we are only fulfilling the prophecies of all the true prophets! Cheers! *HMRD Cesidio Tallini*